making smile incredible

Dental Implants For a More Natural Look

There is a wonderful solution for anyone who has lost a tooth or several teeth. Dental implants can replace the tooth or even the root if necessary. The result of having this done is that you will be able to bite and chew and also it will give you better health. With dental implants you can enjoy eating again and also you will feel better by having a more natural appearance.

A dental implant, which is an artificial tooth root that holds a replacement tooth or bridge to your jaw. The implants are a good idea to have if your general oral health is good. They have a natural feel and look so real no one will be able to tell that you are missing any teeth at all. This will bring back some lost confidence and you will also be able to smile again.

To have this done you will need to see dentist who is trained in implants. Surgically a screw is implanted into the bone of your jaw where the tooth will then be held in place. The dentist will then place the implant restoration once the implantation is healed. An impression for the restoration will be made of the existing teeth and sent to a dental laboratory.

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad