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Replace Missing Teeth With Implants

The use of dental implants to replace teeth lost to an accident, gum diseases or tooth decay is becoming popular.

To place an implant, Implantologist open the gum to expose the jawbone and then drills a small hole in the bone for the metal cylinder that serves as the implant. All this is done when the patient is under local anaesthesia. It takes three months [pain less] for the area to heal and for the implant to fuse with the jawbone.

Patient may undergo a second procedure after three months, in which an abutment is attached or screwed down into the implant.

In the final step, the dentist attaches a realistic-looking artificial tooth to the implant. The entire process takes about four months.

A big advantage of the method is that an implant acts as a substitute for the roots of a natural tooth.

Contact TCC for more detail

TEETH Care Centre Dental Hospital, Ahmedabad